4 Key Areas


Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and interact with, including stage designs, music, décor, creativity, first impressions, props, user-friendliness, quality, cleanliness, pathways, etc. Does is all communicate the message?

When this area is neglected…
  • Church becomes boring and DISINTERESTING
  • Life-changing truths are DISREGARDED
  • Christianity is REJECTED

If you don’t refine the PRESENTATION, you risk becoming IRRELEVANT.

QUESTION: What is one thing that could make your presentation better?

Steps to Improvement
  1. Clarify what a win looks like for each environment/gathering/event
  2. Take the time to craft a clear bottom line for every gathering
  3. Identify and develop quality communicators
  4. Establish weekly/frequent meetings to debrief and refine what you do
  5. Survey/interview your target audience to evaluate the level of relevance
  6. Regularly investigate the experts (outside the church) who do what you do
  7. Plan an annual offsite to rethink and refine your core gatherings

Area #2: THE LEADERS (Who?)

The way you invest in key leaders, communicate, model leadership, apprentice new leaders, recruit team members, stay in touch with each other, hand off your vision, and allow for others to use their gifts in ministry.

When this area is neglected…
  • Future leaders never DEVELOP 
  • Ministries can’t BROADEN 
  • Momentum gets JAMMED 
  • Strong leaders become LONE RANGERS 

If you don’t nurture the LEADERS, you limit the potential to MULTIPLY your ministry. 

QUESTIONS: What is something you could do that would help make someone a better leader? What is something you could do to boost morale or celebrate accomplishments?

Steps to Improvement
  1. Keep a short list of core leaders and hold them accountable to do the same 
  2. Write a brief statement summarizing each leader’s overall responsibility and contribution to your mission
  3. Schedule regular individual meetings to develop core leaders (provide them with tools to evaluate & equip their teams)
  4. Apprentice at least one person to do what you are doing
  5. Develop a strategy and schedule meetings to “catch up” new leaders
  6. Develop a checklist or detailed job description for each individual’s responsibilities
  7. Design a clear training and equipping cycle for leaders
  8. Create a process for feedback from leaders
  9. Collect stories, calendar time, and budget resources to celebrate success
  10. Organize your team so individuals are primarily working in the area of their strengths

Area #3: THE MAP (What?)

The way you market and promote programs, articulate vision, make announcements, lead people to his or her next step, place signage, and utilize technology.

When this area is neglected… 
  • Environments don’t reach their POTENTIAL 
  • Individuals miss critical STEPS 
  • Participants don’t BUY IN 

If you don’t provide the MAP, people miss opportunities to PARTICIPATE in the vision. 

QUESTION: What is something that could be communicated more clearly?
Note: If you keep hearing people ask the same question, it’s an indicator that something isn’t clear! 

Steps to Improvement
  1. Establish appropriate promotional deadlines 
  2. Identify and use strategic channels to promote programming
  3. Establish a cycle to communicate critical information that needs repeating
  4. Develop key printed pieces that promote core programming of your ministry
  5. Survey/interview your target audience to see if they understand critical information
  6. Create a system which continually informs and connects attendees
  7. Clearly articulate the next step for those attending events/programs

Area #4: THE SYSTEMS (How?)

The way you manage your budgets, form a database, organize special events, register for events, find a group, record attendance, schedule meetings, arrange resource rooms, provide security, and measure results.

When this area is neglected…
  • You lose needed DATA
  • You invite unnecessary TENSION
  • You stay in crisis MODE
  • Leaders QUIT
  • Teams develop BLINDSPOTS
  • Individuals become DIVISIVE

If you don’t perfect the SYSTEM, you waste critical RESOURCES and TIME.

QUESTION: What is one thing that could be better organized or orchestrated? Be specific!

Steps to Improvement
  1. Design a project management system for every key project or event
  2. Designate who the project managers/directors are for each project or event
  3. Develop and document a clear process for each key routine task (5P)
  4. Organize and manage a budget that reflects strategic planning and minimizes overspending
  5. Establish a routine meeting cycle to evaluate and improve systems
  6. Make sure that an administrative person attends meetings to summarize key decisions and assignments
  7. Establish cross-departmental meetings in order to compare and share systems
  8. Implement a clear strategy for having an updated database with accurate contact information
  9. Communicate clearly, concisely, and consistently. If you can’t - don’t start it!