Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Significantly impacting our community and our world has always been our vision at Heritage Church. Since we were established in 1995, the Lord has continued to enlarge our hearts and employ our hands for His Mission. From the beginning we have committed 12% of our annual church budget to ensure that hope in Christ is shared locally and around the world.

Honduras Construction Project

Honduras Mission Team
Honduras Medical Mission
Ministry Partners
- Good Samaritan - David and Jayne Brown
- Hope House - Anna Chappell
- Life Under the Son - Jase Bass
- SWGA Community Action Council - Ann Hires
- Colquitt County Food Bank
- CrossRoads Gospel Mission - Randy Benner
- The Storehouse Thrift Store - Shirley Davis
- Storehouse Relief Team -Jay Jordan
- Restored Coaching and Consulting - Mitch Griffin
- WITH YOU Initiative
- Faith and Finances
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Bull Durham
- Jerusalem School at Bethlehem - Grace Abu Mohor
- COME Uganda - Norris and Pam Cooper
- SoloHope Honduras - Ever and Emilee Umanzor
- To The Nations - Martha Grice
- I AM - Johnny and Anna Ray
- Creative Word - Sylvia Evans
- St. Andrew’s University, Scotland - Eric Foster-Whiddon
- Middle East
- Horn of Africa - Benjamin