5P Files

5P FILES have two major advantages:
(1) They save hours and hours of “thinking” time
(2) They help tremendously with delegation.

I encourage Staff to create 5P Files, especially for major recurring events or responsibilities.

To be successful, consider the following 5 factors:


Have you prayed?
When will you pray?
Who else will be praying?


What are you going to do?
When are you going to do it?
Where are you going to do it?
Who needs to be involved?


What is required to carry out the plans?
Has it ever been done before? If so, how?
What supplies, equipment, etc. do you need?
Where can you turn for advice?
How much will it cost?
Who else needs to be involved?
What roles/positions are needed?


Who is your target audience?
How & when will the initiative be promoted?
Who is responsible for promotion?

Post production

How will you evaluate your efforts?
How will you thank your participants?
How much cleanup will be required?
How will the results be communicated?

When creating a 5P file, the format is not important. We’ve provided samples created in many different formats. The important thing is to use a format that works for you. A 5P should simplify your work, not complicate it. Just start by making one long list of things you know you have to do. Use the questions above to jog your memory. Then focus on arranging your list in a format that best suits the task at hand. It takes a little effort in the beginning, but it will save you a lot of time later.