Bereavement Response

If anyone in our church hears about a death in our church family, they will notify Michelle Bowen.
Michelle takes the following steps to ensure everything is covered:
  • Notifies Intercessors, Staff, Small Group & Team Life Team.
  • Catalogs name/date/photo & ensures contact from a pastor who will call and/or visit the family & confirms pastoral presence at funeral.  The pastor will then meet with the family to fill out a Bereavement Planning Form1 to ensure all bases are covered.
  • If the family requests Heritage to host the funeral, Michelle notifies a pastor when they are requested for the service.  That pastor will then meet with the family to help prepare the service.
  • Notify the staff to ensure the service's needs are met.
  • Set up the room or rooms needed.
  • Contact and work with Lance to ensure any materials such as picture slideshows are created.

Other roles taken on by staff or volunteers:
  • Intercessors, Staff, Small Groups, and Team Life Teams will pray for and minister to the family as well as notifying Emily of any additional Ministry needs.
  • If needed, Emily will ensure MOM's, the Altar Fund, etc. helps meet needs.
  • Carrie reserves any rooms needed and schedules a cleaning crew while updating CCB2.
  • Brian confirms greeters and ushers.
  • Mark works with technicians, speakers, singers, and the funeral home to direct the service.  This may require a rehearsal.


1 Covers pricing, room reservations, décor, technical requirements, funeral home involvement, & extras (program, video, refreshments, etc.)
2 Update the deceased individual’s CCB record (remove from groups, teams, and future mailings)