Guest Speaker Guidelines

Thank you for agreeing to present at an upcoming service at Heritage. You will have a team of people praying for you as you seek direction from the Lord. Below I have included a list of things that should be helpful to you.

You can also find a summary of our key doctrines by referring to “What We Believe” on our resources page at If you have any questions at all as you prepare, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Spiritual Preparation

You can expect to experience spiritual opposition as you prepare. The week leading up to sharing can include a roller coaster of emotions and you may encounter other spiritual attacks. For example, if I am planning to preach on marriage, my wife and I have learned to expect a challenging week in our relationship.

I have also learned that the day after preaching I might experience physical, spiritual, and/or emotional fatigue. This is normal after giving so much of yourself (Luke 8:46). If possible, adjust your schedule to allow for a little extra rest the following day.

Message Guidelines

I will likely give you a topic or passage to speak on, but the direction and style you take is completely up to you. I want you to thoroughly enjoy this experience. Because we have other service elements and two services back-to-back, we ask that you work to keep your message length in a window of about 30 minutes.

If you don’t present on a regular basis, it is a good idea to practice your message, focusing on transitions and timing yourself. I also suggest being able to summarize your message with one “big idea” and making sure that all points support that idea. I also refer to the following questions each week to assist my own preparation process:

To whom will I be sharing? Reflect & imagine what they're going through.
  • What does the Bible say about the topic? Make sure your points are scripturally sound.
  • What's the most practical way to say it? Always aim for specific action. So what? What now?
  • What's the most visionary way to say it? Don't tell it as it is - tell it as it could be!
  • What's the simplest way to say it? Can I say it in a sentence? Do all points support the main idea?
  • What's the most personal way to say it? Be vulnerable.
  • What's the most encouraging way to say it? Preach Good News!
  • Does it engage the mind (interesting), heart (emotional), & spirit (anointed)?
  • Can I enhance the message with humor, tension, cliffhangers, brevity, silence, or drama?


Michelle Bowen: :: (229) 456-0138

If you want to use media to emphasize key points, scripture verses, etc., you may submit your media or slide information to Michelle (or a designated assistant) by the Thursday before you are scheduled to speak. She will use your info to create slides that are formatted to fit our screens.

This also includes photos or video you want to incorporate into your presentation. If you choose to use media, I encourage you to print out a copy of your message outline and highlight the points that have media associated with them. This will greatly assist our media technicians and help them stay on cue.

Media Interaction

Option 1: Back Wall Screen
I typically do not use a podium or notes, but don’t feel any pressure to do the same. However, if this works for you, your media slides will still be visible on the screen on the back wall (as you look out over the crowd) that you can use as a reference. It will show the slide that you are currently referring to, and the one that is coming next.

Option 2: Television
We can place a large TV monitor beside you on the platform which will display your slides as you address them. If you want to use the TV, we ask that you stand very close to the TV as you refer to the slides. This will ensure the camera operators can display you and the slide on the overhead screens long enough for the crowd to read it.

Option 3: Podium
You may also choose to have a podium or table on the platform to place your notes, Bible, etc. Just let us know what you prefer and we will make it available to you.

Regardless of which of the above options you choose, your media slides (if you have any) will still be displayed on the back wall screen for your reference. Also, we have a very, very large LED wall positioned behind you on the platform that may be used to display some of your media. If you happen to have a video that you want to play for the congregation, oftentimes I will set up the video and then step out of the way so as not to obstruct everyone’s view. And sometimes I will interact with the LED wall to call attention to certain details (for example: if I am showing a map I may walk to the LED wall to point out specific locations). However, the wall is about 15 feet behind you, so this is not something you will want to plan to do more than once or twice, if at all.


You are more than welcome to incorporate props into your message. Just keep in mind that the platform is very large, and a prop that may seem large at home may appear very tiny in such a large room. If you are considering a prop, you may want to talk it over with us in case there is anything we need to do to make it more noticeable or effective.

Bible Translation

We do not have special requirements regarding Bible translation, but our focus on Sunday morning is on the lost and each week we have people who are present for the very first time and may not be very familiar with the Bible. Keep this mind when mentioning biblical stories or names - don’t assume everyone will know who or what you are talking about.

I most often use the NIV translation, and that is what is available under the worship center seats. I almost always create a slide for key passages so the media team can display the scripture references on the screens.

Don’t let it distract you if you notice people using their phones - many people nowadays use their phones to access a Bible app.

Message Response & Conclusion

In addition to the message, we strive to provide an opportunity in each service for people to respond to Jesus for salvation. You are welcome to include any other type of response you feel is appropriate, but we do ask that you try to include a prayer for salvation at some point during or after your message, or at least allow time for one of our pastors to do so. If you choose to end your segment this way, you can simply exit the stage after the prayer and someone will be there to conclude the service.

Dress Code

We do not encourage a specific dress code on Sunday mornings but most people dress in what would probably be considered business casual. You are welcome to dress up, but don’t feel like you have to. I usually wear blue jeans or khakis and a button-down shirt.

We just ask that it be conservative - not too tight and not too much skin showing.

The lights on stage are very hot so I typically have an extra shirt backstage should I need to change between services. Backstage you will also have access to a bathroom, lint brush, spray deodorant, water, and mints.

Sunday Morning Schedule

08:20 AM
  • Speaker meets with service director to review the order of service
  • Speaker meets with audio technician to perform a microphone check
  • Speaker meet with media technician to review slides and cues
  • Speaker practices interacting with media and viewing slides on back wall screen 

08:45 AM
  • Speaker visits the Prayer Room to receive prayer

09:00 AM
  • First Service

10:20 AM
  • All service participants meet in the Vocal Room for a brief service evaluation

10:45 AM
  • Second Service

The Prayer Room is open all morning if you want to stop in at any point to pray or receive prayer.

Typical Order of Service

25 minutes
  • The service will open with worship through music

3 minutes
  • Someone will give a welcome and invite the crowd to greet each other 

1 minute
  • Promo Video 

1 minute
  • Message Intro Video (get in position on platform during video and make sure mic is on) 

1 minute
  • Introduction of Guest Speaker 

30 minutes
  • Message

5 minutes
  • Response (it’s probably best to conclude the message segment with a prayer - the person wrapping up the service will then immediately take over as you exit) 

5 minutes
  • Service Wrap-up 

2 minutes
  • Closing Song & Dismissal

Personal Assistance

Michelle Bowen: :: (229) 456-0138
Michelle or a designated assistant will touch base with you during the week prior to your scheduled Sunday to see if you need assistance in any way. They will find out if you need a podium or stool, etc. and communicate any other needs you have to the appropriate people.

Thank you again for using your gift to encourage and equip our church body. I know you will do a great job and I want you to thoroughly enjoy the experience. We look forward to learning from your message!