The Inheritance Of Faith In Jesus

Jun 2, 2024    Mark Cunningham

Through Jesus, we have access to God's promises to His children. Trying to get into God's kingdom by our works is like a stranger trying to get added to a father's inheritance to his children. We cannot earn God's inheritance, but we can receive it as a gift by faith in Jesus.


The Breakdown:


0:00 - Victory In Jesus

2:23 - Galatians And Abraham's Heir

3:19 - Roy, Put Me In Your Will!

7:10 - You Cannot Earn God's Inheritance

8:21 - Revelation And Luke: Your Inheritance

9:56 - Deny Yourself And Consider Others

10:36 - Abraham's Children

16:51 - Giving God's Promise Back To Him

18:44 - You Have An Inheritance

23:00 - All Access Pass Through Jesus

24:14 - Cookies And Lies

28:14 - Do You Believe Jesus Was Perfect?

30:10 - Facing God's Wrath

34:20 - Hope Comes By Faith Alone

36:32 - An Heir Of Promise

39:16 - With Age Comes Responsibility

42:09 - Worship

45:35 - Closing Prayer


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