Heritage News

Q2 2022:  April - June


Safety Team
We're stoked to add Grace Casso and Michelle Tyler to our safety team!  They're going through the process now to be certified.

During baptisms in May, we met Alexis Barrett and spent some time finding the names of people that she was impressed with during previous interactions. We soon discovered that she was new to Heritage, and set her on a path to Discover Heritage. She later met the people she was so impressed by and is ready to serve in Kid’s Ministry!


Joyce Wells
Joyce recently lost her husband, and moved to Moultrie as a faith step.  After falling ill with pneumonia, she started to believe maybe moving here was a mistake.  Joyce attended Discover Heritage and the many opportunities to meet others and connect excited her.  Following the class, she wanted to connect right away!  She's looking forward to serving with the Greeter Team.

Donna Williams
During Discover Heritage we met Donna, who was looking for a fresh start after some difficult life circumstances.  She dedicated her life to the Lord and was excited to be baptized! 


The Approach
We've transitioned the way we communicate and handle small groups three times in the last 3 years,  and made changes to the semester system.  This amount of change led to confusion among both the Small Group leadership as well as the congregation.  Our hope is to solidify an approach that will lead to stability and better recruitment.

Small Group launches were planned for the EPIC series in January, but EPIC didn't begin until March.  The logistics of small groups won't allow for immediate changes, but a few short-term groups were set up.  Going forward we plan to launch such groups in a corporate manner that will help ministries plan and support it.


Dental Advocacy and Growth
We have 17 participants in Breathe on a weekly basis, and 7 Team Lifers serve weekly as well.  We're excited that several new families have joined us!

Our dental advocacy is really making progress. We have the support of the Governor who has connected Nettie with the House of Representatives, and we are putting together a budget for dental care for individuals with disabilities to go before the next House session!  The Dental College of Ga are behind us which will really help as we push this budget through. Heritage was able to support this initiative with our Communications team producing a video for this presentation.   https://youtu.be/BWS2adpgm6I

Breathe is also serving the Colquitt County School system by Nettie serving in the parent mentor role. She will be a liaison between families and administrators. This will open the doors for us to minister to so many more families.


Church Online
We've purchased cameras to enhance our online viewers' experience.  Liz has joined in the weekly service planning meetings as an effort to improve the live experience, and our online team has expanded with the addition of two new members - Ashleigh Oxford and Lori Meisenheimer!

Social Media
Our newly formed social media team has been having monthly gatherings to build team unity. This team is seeing our community social media engagement increase.

Video Production
From the Legends Series to Jonah, we've created several videos to help with Sunday morning production, including a neat Lion video for Easter that took advantage of our LED wall. We also supported Kids and Student ministry and Breathe with video production.

Trained all Next Gen Leaders in launching this fall with Text In Church as their main platform for communication.

Church Online started having a special guest at the table each week to give insight into an area of ministry at Heritage church. This boosted engagement. Church Online team has the opportunity to encourage and pray for so many people. This team is skilled at responding in a caring way through messaging.

The Church Online congregation has begun to feel comfortable reaching out as needs arise. We’re still dreaming of how to more comprehensively pastor our online congregation as well as continuing to provide an inviting table experience even with our in person congregation going back to rows.



Eddie Seagle and team had a very full and productive mission in June to New Life Children’s home in Cieneguilla, Peru. They did lots of activities with the children there, as well as building 2 new shanty homes. One of the shanty homes the team built was for a grandmother raising several children who had never slept on beds before and the other home was for a widow raising two young children!

Johnny Ray went to Honduras in July to continue work and expand his water filter project to other rural communities. He plans to take Eddie Seagle and Mark Loomis with him in September. Mark is new to our church and Storehouse team. He has his doctorate in aeronautical engineering and will hopefully have some great input into future expansions on Johnny Ray’s Honduras water projects.

The Storehouse
The Storehouse has brought over $110,000 for missions!The team is in full swing preparing for upcoming bag sales in August which are a huge way to bless the community as we prepare for back to school. Connie Fleetwood and Kathy Warner are leading a partnership between YMCA and Storehouse where they are going to 5 different nursing homes once or twice monthly and doing Bible drill and fitness activities. The residents are loving it!

Here Locally
In June we had the opportunity to host over 100 medical workers and students who were here from Emory to serve migrant workers. We cheered them in with signs and thanks for serving, served lunch and encouraged them.

Altar Fund
After serving request for assistance ministry for five years, Lynn Diers has passed the torch to Elvira Gibson and has taken her through a training process. Elvira is already doing a great job or receiving, researching, and responding to altar fund requests which come in.  


By The Numbers
We had an average of 204 babies and kids on Sunday mornings over the last quarter, and the average attendance of Middle School & High School Ministry was 90 students!

Coming Up!
We're increasing our shepherding of kids and students through a Discipleship Pathway to guide them to their next step with Jesus.  We're also super excited that Fam Jam is making a return!  In the meantime, we're preparing for a fall launch for Kids Ministry and Encounter, and we're hosting regular Facebook Live events for families.

When it comes to kids, we're updating our Kids Worship Environment, as well as seeing our Elementary Bible Skills Team complete their first semester.  Fifth grade parents and kids participated in a moving up Milemarker, and we held a Slide into Summer family event.

For students, we updated the sound system in the Student Worship Center.  We've had student outreach through weekly FCA gatherings where our students spoke and lead worship!  We also held a few events, including Light The Night and a Graduation Dinner.  Students have been participating in weekly worship nights and hangouts in the month of June.


Prayer and Partnerships
We celebrate the addition of Ben and Michelle Nieman as leaders of our prayer ministry! They bring a great combination of passion, compassion, faithfulness and administrative skills to build on and expand the wonderful foundation laid by Cathy Owen and Debbie Shields in their years of leading prayer ministry.

Current Prayer Ministry Offerings
We've had several ways of getting involved in prayer at Heritage!  Here are just a few:
  • Sunday 8:30 a.m. Corporate Prayer Gathering
  • Sunday both services prayer room
  • Sunday 6:00 p.m. Encountering God
  • Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. at Prayer Chapel
  • 3rd Saturday 8:00 a.m. — Worship and Prayer
  • Last Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. — Night of Prayer
  • 24th of Every Month — 24 hour prayer initiative partnership with Mission Moultrie


Caring For People
We've been busy leading teams in caring for families dealing with loss, providing support, meals,  and gift cards.  We’re also regularly supporting Katrina Bivins at Hope House as they’re walking through a very intense time.

By The Numbers
We've been blessed to serve meals to 157 grieving family members and cover 28 people who were in crisis situations.  As our people go through difficult times, we want to ensure that they feel loved by their church family, and Team Life members are stepping up to help make that happen.


Communication and Leadership
We're working on a system that brings us closer together as a team family and helps us share information.  This includes using Text in Church and WhatsApp to ensure our Team Life participants stay in the loop, and allows them to hear the stories of changed lives.

We're also developing an approach that helps lead the spiritual development of Team Life through weekly devotionals at church, as well as being intentional in the encouragement of all Team Life leaders to be a part of a 1 on 1 mentorship/discipleship relationship.