Heritage News

Q1 2022


Table Church
Reconfiguring our sanctuary to accommodate table interactions and discussions and still have enough room for everyone was a huge undertaking, and our team did an incredible job!
Be Bold
We held the first men's conference at Heritage, and so many men showed up for a powerful interaction with God, as well as fun activities such as axe throwing.
Away Retreat
Such a tremendous turnout for our Ladies' Away Retreat in Amelia Island.  Fun in the sun and in the Son!


Breathing Life...
Breathe's new Life Center is up and growing!  We have seven new participants and one new staff member!  The Life Center is a new effort to help families throughout the work week to engage their special needs loved ones.


Social Media
We're thankful to keep growing in our social media efforts, and we've welcomed four new members to our team!
Church Online
An Online Table was created for remote interactions during the Epic Series, and we were able to speak directly to our online church by name.  This more than doubled our online engagement!  One of our online congregation, Tammy Krough, came for a visit and couldn't wait to meet the members of the Church Online Team in person!


Despite this being a year of financial uncertainty for many, people continued to give faithfully.  We've received around $2,200,000 in tithes and offerings and $650,000 in mission funds.
Our Financial Philosophy
We want to use all funds strategically in order to advance the mission and kingdom of Jesus, and to be transparent about our budgets and financial health.  Budget details are always available by request.  It’s equally important for us to be accountable, so we utilize several internal and external controls to ensure we remain above reproach.
We are always evaluating the economy and giving trends over the years to anticipate the upcoming year's resources.  Although we want our facilities to be safe and clean, we ultimately believe that people are more important than buildings.


Updates and Connections
The team has been hard at work equipping our leaders, building a connection team, and even conducting off-site leadership gatherings.  We've also updated our connection process that includes a tour of all the Team Life teams.


How's It Coming?
Our team has come up with a great system for staying close and getting updates from all of our Home Grown Missionaries all across the globe!  We've also held gatherings for Pastoral Care, Missions, and the Prayer community.
Helping By The Numbers
In requests for financial assistance, we dispensed $5,300 to help with rent and utility bills.  Additional funds over $25,000 have been dispersed to help those in need due to sickness and other misfortune.


Live and In Person
Our students have been leading other students in worship at FCA meetings at schools all over the county!  We've also held two Facebook LIVE events:  One to address mental health and another to help navigate technology with elementary aged kids.
Pedal to the Metal
We've been creating a Discipleship Pathway for our kids and students as well as developing summer family resources.  We've also updated our Student Worship Center sound system, kicked off our 3rd - 5th grade Basic Training, had a Parents' Night Out and Picnic in the Park for families serving in Next Gen, and held a Bible Skills class for children of parents that serve in Kids Ministry.  Whew!  It's a lot!


Prayer and Partnerships
Ben and Michelle Nieman have graciously stepped in to lead segments of our Prayer Ministry as they partner with Emily Hall to develop our Pre-Service Prayer time.  Caleb Davis has been holding a Sunday evening prayer time at the Prayer Chapel, while Ben Nieman is holding a 1st and 3rd Saturday Coffee and Prayer at the Prayer Chapel as well.  And finally, we're partering with Mission Moultrie's 24 hour prayer vigil on the 24th of each month.


Monthly Groups
We're a church of small groups.  It's so vital to who we are as a larger church...ministry, growth, and lasting friendships flow out of it.  We continue to launch small groups monthly to give more people an opportunity to jump in.
Training And Online
Our leaders are currently being equipped with DISC personality training, helping to grow our appreciation and understanding of each other's differences.


Sales For Missions
We're so thankful for our Storehouse and what it has meant for local and global missions as well as our community.  Speaking of the community, our relief team has served 32 families from community team referrals.  We've also held a Storehouse managers retreat.


Redesigning Our LED Wall
Taking a singular image and splitting it into multiple panels that each can contain individual elements was a fun challenge, and really gave us some incredible backdrops for the Epic series as well as the Easter "Lion" song.  


Spontaneous Baptisms
We're currently developing our parking lot team, but we've also created baptism teams to support spontaneous baptisms during Sunday AM services.  This has been a powerful opportunity for our people, and we're so thankful that God has moved on people's hearts to take that next step with him.