Sunday Support Team

We are so glad you have taken the next step to serve with us. Thank you for your desire to help Sunday Support create a life-giving environment where our guests and members can connect with Christ.

As a Sunday Support Team Member, you are the “first face ” of Heritage church. We have the unique privilege of serving guests and members in a way that opens their hearts to the love of Jesus. Just like our name suggests, everything we do on Sunday morning supports our passion to see everyone SAVED, HEALED, RESTORED, and FULFILLED.

You are influencing environments where lives are changed, and our hope is that you will find fulfillment in being a part of this team. Our guests enjoy their experiences because of you. YOU belong, and YOU make a difference.

Standards & Guidelines

Each week that you serve, you will receive a reminder via WhatsApp message or email from your team leader with the schedule and any additional details for the upcoming Sunday. Please be sure to look for this reminder and respond accordingly. If you have any questions specific to the Sunday you serve, please contact your leader or the Sunday Support Coordinator. We ask all Sunday Support Team Members to commit to the following each week:

Serve With Passion And Excellence
  • Serve within your gifts and passions - this makes serving fun and fulfilling.
  • It is our sincere desire to see you serve in “your sweet spot”. Our Sunday Support staff and leaders are committed to helping you find a serving position that blesses you and enables you to bless others.

Prepare In Prayer
  • Ask God to give you His eyes and heart to encounter people who may be lost or hurting.
  • Give glory to God by thanking Him for giving you an opportunity to bless others.

Worship One, Serve One
  • We highly recommend that you attend (worship) one service, and serve one service.
  • We believe that the desire to serve comes from the desire to give away what God has done in your life. You can only give away what you have first received. Making regular attendance a priority in your life will ensure that you continue to grow in your relationship with Christ.

  • We encourage all Sunday Support Team Members to park in the middle parking lot (in front of the big cross), or in the back parking lot in the back parking spots.
  • This allows first-time guests to have easy access and a more enjoyable experience.

Arrive On Time And Check-In
  • Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled serving time.
  • Check in and print your name tag at the computer located in Team Life Central.
  • Huddle Up! We will have a quick huddle time of prayer and last minute instruction 30 minutes prior to your scheduled serving time. These are powerful “mini-meetings” that foster unity and provide clarity.

Be A Personal Guide
  • Show them, don’t tell them! Escort guests to where they need to go instead of pointing or giving directions.
  • Actively seek out first-time guest. Escort them to a first-time guest kiosk where they can get a coupon for a free specialty coffee, fill out a connection card, and get help with any special needs.
  • Be familiar with where various ministries meet such as Baby Heritage, Heritage Kids, Breathe Ministry, Grounds to Go, Prayer Room, Team Life Central, etc. Escort guests to the information desk if you need additional assistance in answering a question.

Have Fun
  • Your joy, passion, and energy is contagious! That’s why you belong on the Sunday Support Team! Find something to celebrate TODAY!


“Honor and majesty are before Him; Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.” – Psalm 96:6

Job Description:
The Atrium Team strives to create a beautiful and Christ-centered environment during Christmas and Easter. The goal is for all Heritage attendees to feel special, welcomed, and comfortable.

  • This team has the ability to use their gifts to create an excellent, WOW-factor environment for our guests and members in order to enhance the worship experience.
  • This team also assists in updates and renovations to the atrium and atrium furniture as needed.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 19 - 20

Job Description:
Baptism is a way of proclaiming to others that you have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It symbolizes what took place in your heart at the time of salvation. This team celebrates obedience to Christ through baptism, and plans every step of the baptism process. The Baptism team assembles at 8:30 on the 2nd Sunday of each month. There are multiple roles that you can serve in on the Baptism Team. These roles include:

Baptism Counselor
Baptism counselors guide participants through what baptism truly means. They walk participants through Scripture that shows that baptism is an act of obedience to Christ, and that baptism is an act of worship by identifying oneself with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Baptism Leader
The baptism leader coordinates with the participants and their families to inform and instruct on the baptism process. They create the baptism line-up, and work closely with our pastors to coordinate the timing of events. They also assigns tasks and responsibilities to the baptism team members on Baptism Sunday.

Baptism Team Member
As a baptism team member, one can be assigned multiple responsibilities such as: heating the baptism pool, setting out towels, setting up refreshments for the baptism participants and their families, filling the baptism gift bags, helping participants get changed and providing toiletry items as needed. Team members make Baptism Sunday a well-organized and memorable experience for our participants.

Baptism Photographer
Photographers capture timeless images of our participants with their families, and before and after coming out of the water. They also ensure that the photos are edited and sent to the baptism participant in a timely manner.
“So warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified.” - Romans 15:7 (TLB)

Job Description
Greeting Teams welcome our guests at the exterior and sanctuary doors with a smile and a Worship Guide. Greeters are skilled at making Heritage Church feel like "home ".

  • Serve consistently. Greeters are scheduled to serve either 1st or 2nd service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, or the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Our Breathe Ministry participants and volunteers greet on the occasional 5th Sunday.
  • Use positive body language by smiling and making eye contact. It is also great to be "hands-free " by placing purses, coffee, etc at your seat.
  • Give our guests a fond farewell by opening interior and exterior exit doors.
  • Return to your door to collect Worship Guides when the Offering Team assembles. Open the doors as soon as the service is released.
  • Actively seek out first-time guests and connecting them with the Sunday Support Coordinator or Lead Greeter.
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, Colossians 1:9-10 NIV

Job Description
The Information Team serves by ensuring our guests and members feel welcomed and informed about our services, ministries, and campus. Team members use their gifts to discern our guests’ needs, and provide information and direction for each person.

  • Review the "Sunday Briefing" page that is available before each Sunday. The Sunday Briefing equips the Information Desk Team Members to accurately answer any questions pertaining to upcoming Heritage Events.
  • Assist in small-group sign-ups, books sales, and small-group related questions.
  • Assist in special event sign-ups.
  • Assist in helping guests and members find their Next Step.
  • Ensure that no one leaves the Information Desk with an unanswered question. Please contact the necessary leader or supervisor to assist guests as needed.
  • Keep the Information Desk stocked with updated handouts, flyers, connection cards, etc.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 NIV

Job Description
Parking Team members are the first connections that guests have with our church. In addition to helping people park, team members also greet guests and help them find their way around the campus.

Escort guests to and from their cars with umbrellas when it is raining.
Assist in parking cars for the elderly, handicapped, expectant mothers, etc.
Assist in directing traffic for Heritage Events.
Assist Security team by monitoring parking lot during special events.
Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock that the Holy Spirit has appointed you to as overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28 (HCSB)

Job Description
The security team observes and assesses people and the environment continuously and purposefully. They make a reasonable evaluation of any suspicious person or situation and the potential for disruption or harm. They also work together to develop appropriate policies and response procedures for the sole purpose of creating a safe and secure worship environment.

  • Go through the interview process with the Security Team Leader, Billy Wilson.
  • Complete a background check.
  • Wear the white Security Team Uniform.
  • Ensure the Information Desk has a radio.
  • Appropriate action in case of an alarming person or situation could be verbal engagement and/or soliciting assistance from professional security or church staff.
  • If the situation elevates to the possibility of ill intentions, the church leadership or professional security officer will make the decision to call 91 1 .
  • In an extreme emergency, any member should make that call.
“And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23

Job Description
The Transportation Team serves our church by providing transportation to and from our Sunday services. This enables guests with limited personal transportation with opportunities to grow their relationship with Christ through regular exposure to worship and the Word.

  • Complete a background check to ensure safe driving record.
  • Communicate with individuals who need transportation to and from services.
  • Be prompt to ensure all guests arrive to services on time.
  • Communicate any necessary repairs and service needs to the Sunday Support Coordinator as needed.
“For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10

Job Description
Using their gifts, Usher Team members provide our guests with clear directions to a seat, and strive to provide a positive, distraction free, and comfortable atmosphere allowing guests to worship and hear the message of God.

  • Be aware of guests with handicaps or special needs. Try to seat them in the most accommodating place as possible.
  • Seat guests in the front sections first, if possible.
  • Seat guests with babies or small children away from the front.
  • Give any noisy or restless children a coloring bag, located at the Information Desk.
  • Scout out available seats and quietly escort latecomers to open seats.
  • Ushers are also an extension of the Security Team during services. Standing at doors 1 and 5 for the entirety of the service will allow ushers to survey the sanctuary and guests. Notify a Security Team member with any concerns.
So then, while we [as individual believers] have the opportunity, let us do good to all people [not only being helpful, but also doing that which promotes their spiritual well-being], and especially [be a blessing] to those of the household of faith (born-again believers). Galatians 6:10 (AMP)

Job Description
The Worship Guide Team prints and assembles the Sunday service worship guides. Serving on the Worship Guide Team allows for a flexible schedule of Fridays or Saturdays once a month.

  • Print and cut ample numbers of worship guide notes for the upcoming Sunday service.
  • Ensure each Worship Guide is complete with notes, a tithe envelope, and a connection card.
  • Notify Worship Guide leader when supplies are low.

Thank You!

You are a vital member of our Heritage family.
When we work as a team, our guests leave saying "I can't wait to come back".

This starts and ends with YOU!

What you do on Sunday mornings is never simply a friendly gesture or helping hand.  You are loving people intentionally and affecting genuine life change.  By using your God-given gifts to serve the Body, you are displaying and extending the Gospel Of Jesus Christ to each guest that walks through our doors.  And when someone encounters Jesus, they will never be the same.


You are the restorers of the broken. You are the light in the darkness.  You are a city on a hill. Surely, we will see " revival and the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living " (Psalm 27:13). Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns and all praise reports!