Heritage News

Q2 2024:  April - June


New People and Upgrading Spaces
We're excited to say that we have three new families with special needs who have visited Heritage this quarter and we have three new team members!   Several Breathe moms have also begun mentoring younger moms of kids with special needs.  We are working to repair the playground equipment and preparing for our back to school respite event.  


A Fresh Coat...
Our efforts to produce new signage campus-wide are under way, as well as  mockup designs for an Atrium overhaul.  

Online And Connected
The Church Online team gathered with our families.  We had some fun team-building activities.  Later we  took the time to call out the fruit of the Spirit we see in each other while serving.  It was very meaningful!

Production Videos
We’re gearing up for our July Legends series as we film  meaningful stories of some of our original members. We also had the opportunity to highlight the value of serving and how serving impacts lives through telling Ellis and Kerri White’s story. Their video led to the recruitment of some new team members joining Heritage kids and also connecting  in their first small group this summer! Other projects this quarter include a baptism video and lending a production hand to Fam Jam.



The Storehouse
The Storehouse had a strong 2nd quarter with $62,878 in sales. This is up $5,000 from 2nd quarter last year. YTD sales through June are $115,937 which is $12,500 over 2023 Jan-June sales of $103,418.

The Storehouse Team is continuing to add new members. We also had encouraging participation during 2nd quarter from several families serving to earn hours toward the student Honduras mission. These parents and students were a great blessing to the team and several expressed interest in staying involved on a regular basis. The Storehouse continues to have several guys and several ladies from CrossRoads and Crossroads For Her joining us each Thursday. This partnership is a mutual blessing to the Storehouse and to the CrossRoads residents.

The Storehouse Relief team was able to encourage and assist 36 more individuals or households this quarter. One of the people served was a single mom referred through a school social worker. We were able to provide her with several beds, dishes, linens, comforters, etc. We also helped another single mom with a queen bed and linens. Each time we’re able to meet a physical need also provides an opportunity to pray for, encourage, and often connect with a next step someone in a difficult situation.

The Storehouse Revelation Bible Study Group continues to meet every Thursday. This has been a great time of community and digging into the Word together. In addition, the SH team recently spent the morning together eating, celebrating, and dreaming. This has been a wonderful quarter of serving together and caring for and praying for one another. The culture of caring and unity is encouraging. Many team members have come through some difficult health challenges for which we are very grateful.

Local, National , and Global Missions
Pride Packages led by Eric and Pat Garlick had another packing day to send a huge batch of packages to military men and women. They had plenty of participation with people showing up to help in the packing process. As people fairly new to our church and community, Eric and Pat have been blessed by how people have come around them in this ministry.

As an extension of The Covering Ministry, Eddie Seagle was able to pray for and distribute blankets to 32 people undergoing treatment at the University of Florida Proton Therapy Center in Jacksonville.  He prayed for and encouraged people from Vietnam, Australia, Canada, and all over the United States coming there for treatment. He plans to travel to Jacksonville to offer this prayer and blanket ministry quarterly.

Johnny Ray took another trip to Honduras to facilitate the installation of 90 water filters in a remote community on the El Salvador border. He was invited by a pastor in the area who had heard about the success of these water filters.

The Student ministry took a team of 18 student leaders and their kids on a vision trip in partnership with SoloHope in order to establish the foundation for a yearly student ministry mission.

In early June, Eddie Seagle took a team of 12 on his annual Peru Mission to New Life Children’s Home in Cieneguilla, Peru. They did several days of great activities with the 19 children in the home whom they’ve come to know and love. They also were able to provide shoes for all the kids, a grill out area with picnic tables and chairs, and other improvements to the home. Another highlight was facilitating the building of 4 new shanty homes in a mountain community. They shared the gospel at a school, a rehab center, on the streets in Lima and distributed hundreds of Bibles. As it is wintertime in Peru, they also distributed over 200 blankets in a shanty village in the mountains. This team presented a wonderful summary of their trip at the home of Bonnie Edwards.

One of our partners serving in Somaliland through regenerative farming and life on life discipleship, was in Moultrie visiting for a week at the end of April. Besides speaking in church, he shared at student ministry , some small groups, and several other gatherings throughout the week. He was very encouraged by his time here and made quite a few connections with people who became interested in his ministry.


As we wrapped up the Spring semester of school, Heritage Kids averaged 168 attending preschool and elementary ministry, with Heritage Students averaging 100 students at our middle school (45) and high school (55) weekly worship/small group gatherings. We also have 20 students actively involved in one on one discipling/mentoring relationships.

We launched three room swaps the first Sunday in June.  Over the last several months we have seen an increase in Pre-K Ministry and had to find some creative ways to help accommodate our families. We accomplished three rooms swaps that started the first Sunday in June.  Each family was given a map of the room swaps along with information leading up to the transitions. The  spaces were chosen to specifically accommodate the age group meeting there and each environment was made more inviting!  We are also launching wagon ministry, family playdates, and family small groups.

In May we hosted our Fam Jam Family Field Day Finale. We had 215 people join us for family fun and a teaching on hearing God speak through the Word. We completed our third year of Bible Skills Team for kids who have parents who serve one service and worship one service. Bible Skills Team has been a fruitful opportunity for our kids to dig deeper into God’s Word as they memorize verses and have weekly discussions about how to practically apply Scripture to our lives. Participants memorized about 25 verses this year.  This summer we are working on our summer missions initiative.

We are making progress with our playground updates. A group of dads gathered on a Saturday morning in May and moved our Prek playground forward so it is more easily accessible to our preschoolers. We are very excited and thankful that our new elementary playground equipment has been ordered. This will be a big blessing on Sunday mornings, during Sunday and Wednesday night kids programming, and for our home school community on Tuesday mornings.

Student Ministry
This Spring our high schoolers went through the Alpha study which is designed to facilitate conversation about the biggest questions of life while teaching the basics of the Christian faith. We see the Alpha study as a resource that could be offered in the future to adults and students who are interested in questions of faith.

We sent 68 students and leaders to Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters for a week of fun where they learned about the authority of Jesus. This June our students had weekly hangouts at family homes, weekly worship nights, and weekly Bible study opportunities. They are preparing to go to our annual Beach Retreat in July.

We were able to send a team of 18 student leaders and their children to Honduras this June. We anticipate providing an annual trip for our students and families and this trip allowed us to visit several communities and build relationships that will help us moving forward. We were able to do a VBS in three different locations and visit the Teach Me to Love school for people with special needs.

2nd Quarter Ministry and Family
We wrapped up the school year with our 5th grade Moving Up mile marker followed by a bring your adult to student ministry night that our 5th graders were invited to attend. The following week we had a special Graduation Dinner for twenty-two families. These events are really a time for families to bless their children and inspire them to honor God and make the most of the season they are entering.

This June we hosted a Habits of the Household summer group for families. We gathered together for food, encouragement, and an extended conversation on how to more intentionally cultivate the habits that are shaping our family life. We have been encouraged to hear stories of parents who have positively changed their family habits with meals and technology as a result of this group. We have also hosted a family bowling night for fun and fellowship.

What's Next
Kids Club will relaunch in the Fall with kids Christmas musical practice and programming on Sunday and Wed nights during adult small groups.

We are dreaming about providing regular family equipping and encouragement for our younger families as well as for the families of our teenagers. The plan is to provide an equipping weekend as families are starting school in the Fall.  We plan to continue our monthly gatherings for young adults as well as the gathering for dads of young kids. In addition, we are excited to be part of the college ministry that is starting at Southern Regional this Fall.


By The Numbers
In April we saw 14 servants serve a meal to  36 family members who were grieving.  We also counseled one person.  Nine servants were covering ten people who were in need.  In May we had seven servants serve a meal to 17 people who were grieving.  We had five servants cover the needs of seven people.  Finally, in the month of June we had 13 servants covering  11 people.

Mark and some of our other worship leaders are doing a great job leading the Dwell time 15 minutes before each service. It’s encouraging to see more and more people intentionally showing up to sit in the Lord’s presence in worship and prayer before our services. This sets a good atmosphere of worship leading into our services.

Our Sunday morning prayer ministry people are so faithful to serve and work really well shifting and covering for one another as necessary. It’s a joy to see how well this team serves together. During second quarter 105 prayer ministry team members prayed for 69 people in the prayer room before, during, or after services. We’re truly grateful for our prayer ministry people who minister to each person who comes to the prayer room with such care and grace.

The Prayer Course that meets on Wednesday evenings this summer has 45 participants. It’s a good mix of seasoned prayer people and people newer to prayer. Participants have engaged well in table discussions. Hopefully this will be a course that continues to be offered each semester.

Other prayer groups meeting on an ongoing basis are the Wednesday morning pray for the nation group (Cathy Owen), Saturday morning men’s prayer(Bradley Bentley), and Monday night prayer for our church(Sandee and Jerry Williams). We also have a group regularly participating in the 24/7 prayer room on the Square.

There are two significant “prayer” numbers to report concerning our students- 50 and one! Our intercessors  were able to pray for and minister to 50 of our students at a recent Student Night of Prayer and Worship. And concerning the one - Charis Barnett was so humbled and grateful on her first mission trip to be able to pray with Orna, a young 17 year old in Honduras requesting prayer for salvation.

We are seeing more needs for inner healing prayer than we currently have team to handle. We plan to train some more people in inner healing prayer this fall. We also hope to begin a training process for some of our young people who have expressed a desire to be on a prayer team. We’re continuing to build our Watchmen Prayer Team that functions as intercessors in the atrium and worship center during the services. We also plan to re-institute our monthly Nights of Prayer in the fall.


Busy, Busy, Busy
We're currently working on an Atrium upgrade Proposal that will transform the space and help share the vision of our church at the same time. A plan is in place to update our exterior building signage, atrium bathroom sinks, faucets, and toilet and urinal handles.  Other minor projects, include addressing the  heat issue in Staff 1 Building, the heat issue in the storage room off South Kitchen, organizing our storage in the South Venue roll up room, and finalizing the Storehouse Porch with wood staining and repairs.  We also have a Storehouse plumbing request, van repairs that need to be addressed, asphalt repairs, and other minor normal repairs and upkeep.  We are also selling some of our mowing equipment.


Let There Be Light
Installing the LED house lighting in the worship center has been transformative.  Not only is it possible to increase the amount of light in the worship center dramatically, but the spread and quality of light is an incredible upgrade.

We have three new members on the worship team, and it's been a blessing to see more people on the team stepping up and leading our people.

On the down side (and yet upside too!), our sound console quit working a few Sundays ago. We were able to fix it in house for less than $3!


The Baptism Team prepared and scheduled nine baptisms this quarter!  Our Usher Team onboarded two new members this quarter. Our Safety Team and Greeter Team each added a new member as well.

The Sunday Support team is planning to feed the Packers breakfast again this year. The date is set for August 30th.  Go Pack!

God's Healing
One of our Greeter Team Leaders (Lynn Hammock) welcomed home her grandbaby Judah after a long but prayerful battle in the hospital.  David Mock, one of our Greeters, had a successful surgery removing cancerous cells from his lung.

Discipleship Pathway
We offered Discover Heritage in April and May. During those to months we had 12 participants.  In the meantime, Discipleship Pathway is currently going through an exciting transition.  Brad has been able to join us for the last few Discover classes, and it as been a WIN for both the team and the participants to hear his heart.

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